Saturday, July 17, 2010

My first artist.... Ani DiFranco!

This lovely lady up there is none other than Ani DiFranco, guitarist and songwriter extraordinaire. She started out playing very folky acoustic music before branching out into quite a few many other genres. Ani's probably most well-known for her album Not A Pretty Girl, which IS quite good... my favorite albums are probably Little Plastic Castle and Evolve, however. Apparently, the latter is a bit of an unpopular opinion-- it's a very jazzy, funky album that must have been a shock to listen to if you were more used to the old-school Ani. But if you like jazzy funky-ness, you'll love Evolve. Nowadays, she's lost me a bit. She's gotten terribly naive in her politics (and she's a rather political musician), and her songwriting's just gone a bit down the tubes. In my opinion, she needs to take a bit of a break until the songwritin' juices start flowing again. Oh well. She's still one of my favorite musicians.

...But don't just take my word for it-- take a listen yourself! Here are a few tunes which best describe each little sound change Ms. DiFranco has gone through:

Names, Dates, and Times from Puddle Dive

Swan Dive from Little Plastic Castle

Slide from Evolve

Manhole from Knuckle Down

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