Thursday, August 26, 2010

Chris Pureka

Chris Pureka is a folk/sorta-country-ish musician who plays guitar and sings beautifully with a soothing, slightly warble-y alto. They also happen to be genderqueer. Now, for all those not in the know, genderqueer people are people who feel as if they are
a) Not a man or a woman
b) a mix of both.
Think of them as both mentally and physically androgynous. Genderqueers also tend to go by gender-neutral pronouns such as they/their/them, which is why I have been using those terms for Chris. :)
Anyway, they usually don't talk about their gender identity or sexuality in their music, so they're definitely accessible to all you non-queer people out there. ;p

(Unfortunately, these tracks are all from one album, as I got the rest of their music from iTunes, who format their music in a funky way.)

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